Hi Gordon, sorry for the delay I don't call in very often as I like to forget about my prostate it just rears it's head once a year due to blood test time. I can't remember to much as it's so long ago, but mine was caught early due to persistent bladder infection problem. I think it was 5.9 and the cancer had not left the prostate. Side effects, bladder blockage after a few days and an overnight hospital stay, home and self catheterisation which was interesting, also I had to reduce the size of my prostate which was at 56" and they wanted it in the 30's. The treatment for that was hormonal for a few weeks that messed my sex life up and is still messed up, but I'm alive . I have to tell you until all this started I had no idea I had a prostate, but soon found out where it was , I had to go into hospital with my final bladder infection and in the first hour had three Doctors stick a finger up ? well you know, all the best.