My last post (awhile ago) was about my rising PSA - to be fair it's steady now at 6.40 - good for me as it was 119.5 on diagnosis. I am a 4+5 G9
In August I had a nuclear bone scan followed by a CT scan after I had complained of neck ache to my consultant. The neck ache soon went (bad sleeping position I reckon), but the scans came back showing by chance a lesion on my lower spine so totally different area altogether.
I have had my next appointment brought forward to next Tuesday and have spoken to a MacMillan nurse as what I might expect.
Just what will be my options if any? Chemo was mentioned - but I'm not keen on that having read other posts on the subject. I have heard of Radium 223 treatment but not sure if I'd be suitable having had radiotherapy to the pelvic area back in 2013.
What sort of questions I should I be asking and will there really be any choices for me to make?
I feel pretty good physically at the moment and no problems in the affected are. It's just my mind that's screwed up and I feel completely "rudderless"
Please excuse my ramblings - I haven't had a coherent thought in my head since I had the news.
Edited by member 16 Nov 2016 at 21:34
| Reason: Not specified