Just after my operation I was incontinent of urine for about two weeks. When it was at its worst I manage to get some free sample sheaths and fitted the tube and then the urine bag to my lower leg. Wonderful thing gravity!
I first tried the 'sticky' sheath, terrible, what a pain to take off. I then improvised and talcum powered the stickyness away, wore it, made a tube sized hole in my underwear which kept the sheath easily in place.
I then began to get control of my bladder again but I was now a bit 'leaky'. I bought some basic 2' x2' urine pads from Boots, cut them up into roughly 4" x 2" units, I had loads of them from one pad!
I folded each unit along its length and just sellotaped one end. When I went out I just stuffed a load of these in my pocket and to ensure I didn't embarrass myself I just fitted one as a penis cradle, my underwear secure them in the right place, every time I visited the toilet. They worked a treat!
Luckily in my case, I achieved full control again. I always carry a couple of cradles however, just in case!