Hi, My name is Amanda and my husband Dave recently got diagnosed with advanced metastatic PC in February this year, he was 52 at the time, now 53.
Wow, what a mind blowing year this has been, Dave didn't have any 'typical' symptoms but cutting a long story short after our amazing doctor did a blood test his PSA reading came in a 1050!
I will cut to the chase and tell you where we are up to as of today.
Dave is on the STAMPEDE trial at the Christie hospital, and I have to say they have been fantastic.
Diagnosis: T4 M1 N1 - Gleeson 5 + 4
Dave has had 6 x rounds of chemotherapy docetaxel, ( finished Sept) also 20 x fractions of radiotherapy ( finished Nov). He is also on 3 x monthly HT of Prostrap 3.
All treatment has now been completed, and during his chemo treatment his last PSA reading which was back in September was 5:2, (it had been as low as 4:9).
We have attended a 12 week 'chemo check-up' appointment this week back at the Christie to see our oncologist who is a lovely lady. She said she was pleased with how Dave looked and how he was feeling after all the gruelling treatment he had undertaken. Dave has continued to work through all of his treatments taking no time off at all and I really don't know how he has done this, he's been amazing.
As you can imagine we were both really apprehensive and wanted to know what his PSA level was now, however the bloods didn't come back until the next morning, and to our shock when Dave rang up for them his PSA was back up to 10:5!! Dave was extremely upset as we both were, and was very very disheartened.
I managed to get in touch with our specialised nurse and told her our concerns, she immediately rang our oncologist to inform her of our upset. She rang me back to say that our Oncologist wasn't at all perturbed by this result and this was to be expected seeing as he has only just completed his RT 4 weeks ago. They told us that sometimes there can be a 'bounce' where the PSA reading will increase but this is a 'false' reading. She told us not to worry, have a nice Xmas and will see us both on our next planned appointment which is the 31st Jan, where we will have another look at his PSA.
I'm apologise if I seem to have missed lots of information out or have gone on a bit, but is there anyone that has had a similar experience to this regarding the jump in PSA readings.
We are still both struggling to come to terms with the fact the Dave has got cancer and as you all know, your life is turned upside down by the blasted evil disease.
Any thoughts or information you have will be greatly received. Dave did start his own blog on this site back in May but you know what you men are like he doesn't like talking about it and hasn't been on since, so here I am high-jacking it instead!!
Thanks everyone in advance.