Hi all - its several months since I've been on here, as you can see from my history. So, less than 2 weeks ago, J had focal cryotherapy under GA. It seemed to take ages - both in surgery and recovery. He seemed to respond badly to anaesthetic, was very sick, had very high blood pressure, had a lot of pain and tried to fight the catheter. He was kept in over night til they could stabilise him
However, as the days went by he got better and was walking the required amount. After about 6 days, he developed an enormously swollen scrotum, which made walking very difficult. We went back to urology but they said it was just fluid/blood collecting and would go. It hasn't and is still causing discomfort and distress (despite 2 tight pairs of pants and support from rolled towels etc). His nurse called on Thurs to suggest TWOC (trial without catheter) to see if that might help (at least elevation would be easier). So off we went again. The catheter removal itself was fine (took about 1 second) but then he couldn't pee and after about 90 minutes was in retention. He was then re-catheterised. He is so low and depressed. He says he is really scared that this will happen with the next trial (next week). As many of you might know, retention is a horrible and very painful experience
The docs tried to tell him that the retention is probably due to prostate swelling but he thinks it is linked to the swollen scrotum/penis. The nurse did mention self-catheterisation, which did NOT go down well and the possibility has become another source of anxiety
So, though I have tried to reassure him that the swelling WILL go and that he probably WILL be able to pee, even if it takes several TWOC attempts, he is just feeling worse and worse. Has anyone else experienced repeat TWOCs but been OK eventually? And what about the massive swelling (between grapefruit and melon size) - any suggestions of how long it might take to subside? It is very hard to keep positive for him and manage his anxiety
Edited by member 10 Dec 2016 at 16:22
| Reason: Not specified