Hi Tony,
I had a very similar experience, PSA fine for a couple of years following EBRT, then rising and doubling.
My Oncologists houseman reckoned that was it, nothing more could be done on a curative basis and wanted to put me on HT on a permanent basis, ie until HT stopped working.
I did a little research, and wrote a nice polite letter to my Consultant asking about cryotherapy, Cyberknife etc. This resulted in me being referred to Mount Vernon who are regional specialists in salvage HDR brachytherapy.
The jury is still out on whether this salvage HDR Brachytherapy has been a success in the 'curative' sense. However 3 years ago my PSA was 6.1 and doubling fast, so I had 2 years HT and HDR Brachytherapy, now my PSA is 0.4 and rising slowly. So even if it is ultimately judged to have failed it has brought me 3 years plus of extra life, and its good life, over 12 months free of HT.
I was Gleason 9, T3 at diagnosis, rather a worse case than you.
So I see no reason why you should not be a candidate for salvage HDR Brachytherapy?
Check out my profile for the details.