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antacids and prostate cancer

Posted 05 Jan 2017 at 17:13

hi,i have had a hiatius hernia now for a number of years,been taking 20mg of raberprazole and i have had no problems till just lately been getting pain in sternum,increased it to 40mgs yesterday ,but still had pain through the night i also bought gaviscon double action to take,since been dx in 2014 i have increased tomatoes,turmeric, modified citrus pectin, and i am just beginning to have problems,the things thats supposed to be good for pc are no good for hiatius hernia,antacids are not healthy long term and hinder your body absorbing nutrients from what i have read,but what can you do,any help please.

Posted 06 Jan 2017 at 09:32


Posted 06 Jan 2017 at 09:51
I have had acid issues for 20 years. I take 300mg Ranatidine daily. It works even though my diet is fairly spice laden and full of alcohol. Oh, plus the Prostap and Enzalutamide I take. Try a short course and see if it works.
Posted 06 Jan 2017 at 11:41

thanks,made appointment with gp,but will be giving up tomatoes,antacids long term is not good for you but what can you do.

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