thanks lyn, i try my best with diet cut out red meat and dairy,i eat healthy ready meals,but there is milk in everything,i have fruit,veg,i take pomi-t,vit d 5000iu a day ,modified citrus pectin 3Xdaily,estrobalance dim,digest enzymes,probiotic,so i try my best,i have always done weight training to keep my bones strong,now i have got to be careful,the doc at the hospital said my hips were ok,its inflamation,but was really painful,,asked for dexa scan she said no,dont know why she took my psa sounds like shes thinking of my pc which was undetectable in november but pc likes inflamation,osteoarthritis mostly women get it,its your own immune system attacking your joints,so i am a bit worried now,i am coming up to the 3yr mark thought i was about due to run into problems,up to now i have always felt healthy,anyone else suffering with arthritis.cheers.