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Post #1

Posted 13 Jan 2017 at 10:44


I've not used a forum before, but I have read your stories recently and I am so moved by the support that's offered here and hope to be welcomed into your community.

I have just found out that my dad has been diagnosed with prostate cancer - PSA 200, Gleason 8, clear bones and lymph nodes, locally advanced (we think, but MDT feedback is still to come). He's started HT and seems well, blood tests to follow next month. I understand that this is a mixed back of good news and challenges to overcome.

I am very frightened and have been in a bit of a tailspin this week. I have been frantically searching for information that will tell me the 'the answer' to the question 'what does the future hold?', even though I know there's no way that I can make sense of the information and it's also not going to tell me anything about our actual circumstances. I am sure that this is something that a lot of people experience, but goodness it is overwhelming.

My dad is my heart and I am completely overwhelmed with my love for him at this time, which is a comfort amongst all of the disbelief, fear and worry. My deepest wish at this time is to be able to support him as he has done for me. We are obviously at the beginning of an entirely new road and my hope is that we can accept that we are here and not spend too much time looking to the path we thought we would be on.

I would greatly appreciate people to talk to and learn how best to negotiate this from your experience.

Much love...

Posted 13 Jan 2017 at 13:16

Hello Sweetpea and welcome to the club.

I don't have experience of PC with high gleason and high PSA but others do and I'm sure they will be along at some point.

I see you have posted twice to introduce yourself. You weren't being ignored. There is usually a delay in an initial post appearīng due to newcomers having to be moderated.

You are obviously a wonderfully caring daughter. We have few on here, especially younger ones.

We do all know how you feel. Any questions please just ask.

Best wishes


We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 13 Jan 2017 at 22:55

Hi welcome to our group sorry your Farther has joined us . his clear test on bone and lymph nodes is good news , his other results are by no means the highest so wait for the MDT feedback and treatment plan .all the best Andy

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