Hi Radar,
I posted this the other day on another thread to do with arthritis, it is merely the things that I have found that help:
Hormone therapy causes the bones to thin, as old men without testosterone we are just like old women and prone to osteoporosis, and our muscles will grow smaller and loose their strength, so none of this will help arthritic joints.
What can we do about it?
Personally I persuaded my GP to put me on a junior aspirin every day, there is some evidence it fights cancer, it thins the blood leading to better circulation and it is a bit anti-inflammatory.
Another trick, is to pig out on a high dose of Ibuprofen. Apparently you need to take Ibuprofen for about 3 days before it has an anti-inflammatory effect, and you mustn't take it too long either, its a sort of Goldilocks thing, not too little and not too much. You need to get the strongest tablets from behind the chemists counter and take them for a week, take whatever the back of the packet recommends as the maximum daily dose, every day for a week, then stop to let your body recover, repeat every 2 to 3 months.
Finally, there is apparently some chemical found in apple skin that combats muscle loss in the elderly, so an apple a day, but don't peal it.
Also I find a good drink does me good, I tend to stay tee-total for much of the time, sometimes weeks on end, then I will have a bit of a session, a bottle of red wine, half a bottle of scotch, something like that. They say alcohol is a muscle relaxant, and it seems that if I have been having hip troubles a good drink sort of resets the muscles around the joint and usually I am much better in the days following.