Posted this in the Guardian comments today:
Having been diagnosed with Stage 4 prostate cancer six months ago I decided that I would also do what I could to assist any medical interventions offered. My oncologist proposed the following treatment plan: firstly five weeks of tablet based hormone treatment, followed by tri-weekly chemotherapy (upto a maximum of ten cycles), with on-going tri-monthly hormone injections. From day one I adopted a vegan diet (for medical rather than ethical reasons) and took the following supplements daily: Turmeric 450mg, Coriolus (Turkey Tail) 300mg, and Reishi extract 500mg.
Upon diagnosis my PSA was >1000, after the five weeks of hormone tablets it had dropped to 156, after the first session of chemo session it was down to 153, and after the second chemo session it had dropped spectacularly to 0.417! I then developed a minor infection that delayed the third session for three weeks. Prior to recommencing the third chemo session my consultant asked for another blood test and this showed the PSA had dropped to 0.115. This was so low that he said further chemotherapy sessions would not be of any benefit and that I now only needed to come back in two months for a progress check. This meant that apart from regular blood tests and the tri-monthly hormone injections my oncologist was stating that I was, and I fully understand the implications of what he's saying here, effectively 'cured'. My family and myself have therefore gone from gloom and doom to joy and uplift in less than half a year.
I fully accept and acknowledge that the clinical interventions played a major role in my recovery. I cannot obviously say that the change in diet and/or the supplements played any part in my miraculous recovery what so ever; but I'm certain they had a psychologically effect but physiologically of course I'll never know. As each persons reaction to cancer, and its treatment, is so very personal I only highlight my own experience in the hope that it might help others.
Good Luck and Best Wishes