I know, Lyn, he will have to continúe to be tested all the time. I am not sure what the urologist meant by that. Paco had kidney cancer thirty years ago when he was thirty some, and he was strictly tested despite his kidney having been removed.
Concerning to tests being done in Spain I'm afraid my translation wasn't good enough. I think they1similar to the British ones, different names.
They are doing him bone scan. Nuclear test. We call it Ganmagraphy. And TAC, it stands for "tomografía axial computarizada". Kind of many RX images of his abdomen "in small pieces".
Right now driving back to our city. Paco is supposed to talk with an oncologist in La Coruña. Our best friend has been the manager at Oncological Centre up to a few months ago and had asked an oncologist from there about Paco's biopsy results and, actually, he said on the phone ". Wait, don't make a decision, meet and talk to me first".
I'm not sure its the right decision but... We are scary.
We have the feeling that surgery is more likely to work..
There is a big mess in my mind anyway.
Thank a lot for your replies. I'm lucky to have found out this site and these wonderful people. You are helping me a lot.
Best wishes to all of you,