My hubby who is 53 has been having prostate concerns for some time, as in frequency and urgency during day and night. He was put on Tamufusin ( not sure if spelt right) about 6 months a go. He had a DRE at the time and it was normal, just enlarged and his PSA was 2,4, so all ok. The symptoms just got worse so he ŵent back to GP last month. She did a DRE and felt abnormal prostate, as in hard on the one side and enlarged. She was concerned so arranged urgent appointment with urologist. We saw him and he felt the same on DRE, he booked ultrasound and MRI. Well we had the ultrasound today and the dr said the prostate didn't look that enlarged, though hubby has been waking up about 6 times in the night. So obviously something is pressing on his urethra. My concern is that as his PSA is quite low they will put us on a weight and see programme, depending what MRI shows. What I was wandering if any of you guys have had quite a low PSA 2.5, age 53 with an abnormal DRE, as in hard nodules and gone on to be positive for cancer. I have read some concerning research on web about an aggressive form and this is my concern. I know the web can be a mine field, but Im a retired nurse and it's natural for me to gather as much info. as possible.
I'm very grateful for anything you can share on this