Hi Gordon,
Not been ignoring you, its taken me 3 days to access the site.
My PSA tests followed the guidelines until I moved house and surgery in 2015. The new GP wanted their own data, and I was tested 3 monthly. The 3 monthly testing was allowed to run, the GP surgery did not stop it, I did not mention it, until it was looked at and I am now back to 6 months for a year. So I should be tested again in July?
My PSA readings post op:
25/10/13 - 0.05
14/01/14 - 0.05
22/04/14 - 0.01
15/10/14 - 0.1
24/03/15 - 0.1
29/05/15 - 0.1
24/08/15 - 0.001
26/11/15 - 0.01
05/08/16 - 0.1
20/01/17 - 0.02
Initially I was worried about my next reading, the wait for the result occupied my mind constantly for the 3 days I had to wait. I am so fortunate that my readings have been as they are for 4 years now.
I no longer worry about it. It will be what it will be. If something happens I'll deal with it. I am inspired by the stories and accounts of others here who are dealing with situations, their attitudes. There is hope in their treatment and recovery.
All that said I am considering at least 6 monthly tests even if I have to pay for the 6 month one. Maybe even extra tests at 3, 6 and 9 months as well? Or maybe at 4 and 8 months? My reasoning is that if I am tested and all clear on 01 January one year, but my next annual test shows a rise, I want to make sure that rise is detected as soon as reasonably practicable, and then start any treatment.
You will discuss what you and your wife feel is best for you both, and your diagnosis?
I get on with my life. I was diagnosed with PCa. It was dealt with. Life is great.
There is no point worrying so much about tomorrow that you forget to enjoy today. Achieving acceptance of what will be, and getting to that state of mind can take time.
Edited by member 10 Apr 2017 at 07:35
| Reason: Not specified
All we can do - is do all that we can.
So, do all you can to help yourself, then make the best of your time. :-)
I am the statistic.