Hi all
New to this sort of thing so apologies in advance if it sounds forced or anything..
It's been quite a few months! I promised my wife just before the new year I would go for a full check up. The doctors kept sending me texts nagging me to do it but I'd been so busy I hadn't had the chance. The results came back and were generally good but the PSA reading was again a little too high. So the doctor wanted me to do an exam at the hospital.
The first was a physical exam and was arranged just a week after the doctor visit. After the exam they said they wanted me to do a biopsy and I agreed. The following week I had it done and again a mere week later was at the hospital to discuss the results. Yep, I had prostate cancer.
I was at a loss initially, the "C" word can do that to you. Also I was due to fly out a few days later to Canada to commission the project I had spent the last year working on. I really wanted to go but was confused about what to do. So I contacted the hospital and they were amazing. I spoke to a consultant and he assured me it would be better to go, take my mind of it and focus on something else for a while. He said they would arrange a MRI scan as soon as I got back. I arrived back last Saturday and they had arranged the scan for the following day (Sunday!)
Then just three days later I had the scan results. The cancer was contained in the prostate, the best news. I have a holiday booked in three weeks time and again the consultant recommended that I take it. So the date has been arranged for the 28th of April to have the damned gland removed from my body, and good riddance to it! But I have to confess to a little trepidation, this will be the first major surgery in my 54 years on this earth. I am trying every distraction technique known to stop myself thinking of it.
I can't finish without thanking my local health service, a much maligned outfit normally. I have private medical insurance but never thought to use it given the speedy nature of the NHS.
If you got this far thanks for reading, sorry for the wall of text.
Cheers - Gary