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Retention after twoc

Posted 17 Mar 2017 at 23:34
Hi had anyone experienced the following
After twoc passed water ok in hospital but later on same day suffered acute retention and needed an emergency catheter.
It happened to me yesterday and really got my head screwed up.
Posted 18 Mar 2017 at 11:56


Could you provide a little more information e.g. the type of operation you had, any pre-conditions etc.?

On the face of it, it does seem unusual (i.e. I haven't come across a similar circumstance).


Posted 18 Mar 2017 at 12:03

It seems to be becoming more common Kevin - put TWOC into the search box and you will find comments from other members a couple of whom have had the second catheter for quite a while after going into retention. It may be detritus from the still healing urethral repair or it could be inflammation. Hopefully you will be weeing properly soon.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard
Posted 31 Mar 2017 at 18:47

Had the Davinci op Cather was resited for another ten days and came out Tuesday a.m. Peeing now

Posted 31 Mar 2017 at 19:28

My husband had a FLA in the USA on Monday. He had the catheter in for three days and then had it removed yesterday afternoon. He had to drink water and wait till he could pee which was measured.. He was examined but then shown how to 'self catheterise in case .. Provided with a bag full of Cath equipment ( plus emergency contact info) .

He woke up in middle of night with a full bladder and couldn't go so braved the self Cath experience and filled the temporary bag..

He was able to go normally first thing this morning and subsequently.. Following protocol exactly today with 1 drink being slowly sipped over an hour and using reverse kegals to relax and measuring output... All improving.

So over here they seem to expect it may well be a temporary issue and prepared him for it so though not nice was not a terrible experience either.

We have to report back after 48 hours! In hindsight he should not have had a Virgin Mary last night!

Posted 01 Apr 2017 at 08:39

My urine flow significantly deteriorated those first few days after TWOC and I had what could be described as mild retention ie I felt like I wanted to go but couldn't. It righted itself overnight but my flow was reduced and split.
They discovered I had a bladder neck stenosis...basically scar tissue where they had joined my urethra to my bladder and they couldn't get the camera into my bladder. I went for an operation to right it but literally walked out of the theatre when the surgeon told me he could leave me incontinent. Four years later my peeing is ok, still slower than most and as the anaethatist said at the time I can't pxss over the garden gate. But boy am I glad I didn't have that op.
Hopefully it's something that can be sorted for you with no lasting problems


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