Thanks for your reply. My dad frequently needed to go to the loo in the night and after going still felt an urge to go again . He also had a cough ( he smokes) . The doctor did a blood test which showed a psa of 75( all of which was gobbledygook to my dad ). They said he would need a scan and a camera/biopsy. 2 weeks later he had the scan and the biopsy was booked for 2 weeks after that .. ( biopsy is this morning ). 5 days after the scan the hospital rang to say come in for a bone scan , that was last week . 2 days after the bone scan dad received a letter at home but headed to his doctor saying that after an initial blood test that showed levels of 75 and a finger examination that showed an enlarged prostrate plus a cyst in the genetali it is his diagnosis that this is advanced prostrate cancer .
Obviously dad was shocked to get this in the post as he has not yet had any feedback from the scans ,
The biopsy is today st 9am.
It's all such a worry particularly as dad is mums full time carer , she has severe emphysema and only Saturday night they nearly had to call the ambulance for her . The stress of this is baring hard on them both even though dad is showing a brave face .
Any advice , or words of wisdom are much appreciated . Thankyou x
Edited by member 03 Apr 2017 at 08:43
| Reason: Not specified