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Confused about psa levels

Posted 22 Apr 2017 at 15:43
Hi This is my first post so apologies if it rambles a bit.

I was diagnosed Nov 2016 with psa 20, Gleason 3+4=7, T2 M0 N0.

I have gone down the route of hormones and radiotherapy. I have now completed my 6months of hormones and start radiotherapy on Monday (24.4.17).

My confusion comes because my Oncologist said my psa should be below 1.2 before I start, but he is on holiday and his stand in has told me to go ahead with my current psa of 1.8.

So, is there an optimum level that psa should be to have radiotherapy or does it not matter?

Posted 22 Apr 2017 at 20:14

It depends on the consultant more than anything else, I think. Some only give 3 months HT before starting RT, others like yours like a good 6 months HT first. Some research about 5 years ago indicated that the longer you are on HT before you start, the better the outcome. I haven't seen any research looking at the optimum PSA before starting RT though; I guess it would depend somewhat on your starting level.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 22 Apr 2017 at 20:43

Lynn, that's got me thinking now! I've been on HT for 1 month, and RT has just started. Should I be concerned, or is it because it's a follow up a after the radical surgery and Grade 5 PCa? Sorry for the thread hijack....

Posted 22 Apr 2017 at 22:26

Who knows Graham, who knows. John's was salvage RT and he had 3 months of HT before. I don't think Bri had any HT at all!

The trial that was running at our nearest oncology dept was to offer ALL men adjuvant RT after RP, regardless of Gleason, pathology, etc but that was RT without any HT at all.

Perhaps it all depends on whether the oncologist has had a decent breakfast?

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 23 Apr 2017 at 09:13

My oncologist 'prefers' (her words) a PSA of 1.0 or below; but radiotherapy should proceed as planned.

You level now does depend on what it was before - and what hormones you are taking. A month before my RT started, mine was 1.6, on oral hormones; she changed me to Zoladex injections, and it dropped instantly to below her 'preferred' level.

I'd arrange to see your oncologist when he returns, and review your medication. But I don't think 1.8 would be something to be too concerned about.

Posted 23 Apr 2017 at 19:06
Thank you for all your comments!
Posted 24 Apr 2017 at 16:23
Hi, my PSA was 1.6 post robotic operation and I have just completed 34 session of radiotherapy , hopefully that will be the end of PC for me.

Good luck


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