Hi Debbie, I had a radical prostatectomy in July 2015 which resulted in negative margins. My staging as T3, N0, M0 but intraductal spread was present in addition to the "normal" cancer in my Prostate. In September 2016 my PSA jumped to 0.3 and was 0.6 towards the end of October. MRI scanning using gadolinium enhancement showed a tumour on the Prostate bed where the cancer had broken through the capsule originally. My oncologist was very concerned that given the timing and rate of PSA increase there was more to this recurrence than the prostate bed tumour and that micro metastasis was quite likely. He sent me for a choline PET scan to check fir spread. I had the scan 20/12/16 and started bicalutamide that day followed by a prostap injection on 29/12/16. The PET scan confirmed the prostate bed tumour plus a much more active tumour at a seminal vesicle remnant but no sign of spread elsewhere. The oncologist was initially against salvage radiotherapy due to the potential toxicity hitting the seminal vesicle. I asked for a second opinion the result of which was I went for a planning scan 3/3/17 and because the scan was favourable I started salvage RT on 28/3. 20 sessions until I finished 26/4/17. I have been told there is around a 40% chance that this will cure me but it is at least a final attempt at a cure. I will remain on prostap 3 for the next two years after which that will stop and we will see what happens. I have side effects just now which are mainly bowel related and tiredness. Some bladder irritation too. I have been told these side effects should start to moderate after a few weeks. As Lynn has said any treatment beyond the initial treatment is called a salvage treatment. Salvage radiotherapy after surgery, salvage surgery after radiotherapy but this is rare. I hope this information is of some use to you. Feel free to ask for more info if you need it. Best wishes, Ian.