Hi there
My husband was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer Gleason 4+3 He went for surgery today but told due to previous surgery it would be to risky. Has anyone experienced this and what other treatment would be available. I am seeing the surgeon in the morning to get a full update but can't sleep with worry. My husband is 50years old and his psa orginally was 17
Thanks in advance
My husband s X-ray came back fine. So very relieved. He went in for his op to remove prostate but whilst under a anaesthetic, discovered, due to scar tissue from previous surgery, were unable to continue. Ithe surgeon explained that he would of suggested brachytherapy first anyway. (Wish we had seen that surgeon). Professor raj persad. Leading in research . So feel quite confident. Dave was given, we think hormone tablets and will see someone hopefully in the next two weeks. He is feeling ridiculously well, except for the catheter , which will hopefully be out in the next 10 days.
Edited by member 15 May 2017 at 08:05
| Reason: Not specified