Hi Barry,
A number of reasons for wanting to come off Tamsulosin. Firstly I prefer to live my life free of any drugs where possible.
Secondly I was having a lot of bowel problems and I was convinced that Tamsulosin was a contributory factor. No scientific evidence for that just a gut feel. LOL.
Been off almost 3 weeks now (apparently it takes 5 days to clear your system). Bowel is much better. No real issues with water works and I feel a lot better in myself. More energized.
This last benefit could just be the BT radiation reducing as I had my BT 8 months ago.
I had two attempts to come of Tamsulosin, the first after about 4 months didn't work as peeing was a real problem but now I feel pretty good about it.
Of course our bodies and our treatments are all different but maybe you could try it.