Hi, I'm Selina. My dad has been diagnosed with prostate cancer but as I've been mostly living in Spain while tests have been going on, I've not been present to find out specifics and my brother has been handling everything which means he hadn't always been able to ask the things that I would like to. So I'm hoping I can ask here! What a wonderful,supportive forum it seems to be!
Dad's cancer has spread to lymph nodes in his neck which is actually how we knew something was up. We gather that this means that the prostate cancer is fairly advanced. My brother didn't say that the doc had mentioned a gleeson score but had described dad's risk factor as 10 out of 10. They've started him on
Bicalutamide and he's due to have an injection next week as well as a bone scan. My questions are: 1.as he is now 80 yrs old, will this affect his treatment options? (He is very fit and well),2.he currently has no symptoms and feels well in himself - is this normal, might it change? 3.what's the situation generally with aggressive prostate cancers in terms of outlook? Thanks - and sorry for the massive post!!