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This Saturday, pick up a special edition of the Daily Mirror

Posted 26 May 2017 at 14:10

This Saturday, the Daily Mirror will be updating its iconic masthead, replacing the ‘i’ with our man of men logo, but that’s not all…

We’ve partnered with Trinity Mirror for the next year and this is just one of the many brilliant features to come.

Coinciding with FA Cup Final weekend, the Mirror sports pages will have a takeover of content about prostate cancer – there’s an article from Sunday Mirror Editor Gary Jones about our partnership, a back page feature, and a double page spread which will include facts, stats and information about our work. If that wasn’t enough, our very own Ian Frame, Director of Research, will have a column talking about the research world of prostate cancer.

So Saturday morning, go out and grab a copy of the Daily Mirror in support of our partnership – tell your mates, partners, and anyone else who will listen!

There will also be lots of opportunities for readers to find out how to donate, so our partnership could help us raise some much needed funds. This is a fantastic opportunity to reach millions of people, whilst raising awareness and support of Prostate Cancer UK. We hope you enjoy your Saturday read!

Many thanks,


Edited by member 26 May 2017 at 14:27  | Reason: Not specified

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