Thank you Chris J after reading your story your positive nature is infectious! What a journey you have had so far. My husband began with a PSA of 120 in Dec 2013, Gleason 4+3 and 4+4 no surgery possible too late for radiotherapy, 3 monthly prostap inj till 2015 PSA down to 1.5 then steady rise so bicalutamide added to treatment, PSA steady till late 2016 PSA now up to 18 so after bone scans and ct and MRI onc proposing starting enzalutomide, just waiting now for the test date 19 June, we have had a steady journey compared to your roller coaster. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I will certainly look in to your suggestions, I just have to find a way to approach this, I don't want my hub to feel that sex means more to me than his health, his companionship and all his other wonderful qualities. The emasculation is bad enough as it is, loss of body hair shrinking of your dangly bits and no muscle tone, already must be hard to deal with so I must be sensitive. Thanks once again Chris you have really opened my mind to this. Best wishes