I am nearing my 5th Doxetaxol treatment and at yesterday's meeting with the oncologist he mentioned RT as the potential next step for us to consider.
I was diagnosed in February as T3B with a Gleason of 4+5 and a PSA of 24 which has dropped to 0.57 at present
I would be very interested to hear of any positive of any positive or negative aspects of RT after chemotherapy as I am concerned of potential side effects particularly as chemo has been fairly free of side effects in my case?
i akso raised the question regarding the recent successful results published with Abiterone potentially increasing survival by 37% and whether this may be applied to my case. He suggested it would be possible to include Abiterone in my treatment plan once my PSA starts to rise .as required
Has anyone on the forum gone down a similar path please as sdvice would really be appreciated to help us decide the next steps?