This has been the most confusing thing for me, too. Post-prostatectomy, I was pT3b with Gleason 9. 6 weeks after surgery, PSA 0.014. 4 months after surgery, 0.019. I have my next PSA test in just over a week.
My oncologist told me prior to surgery she didn't believe in early or adjuvant radiotherapy. After my surgery, she told me that as I had positive margins, I may well benefit from early radiotherapy, but as my PSA was so low, she'd prefer to wait. In the end though, she gave me the choice.
I was comfortable to postpone, but now I think I want to go ahead. From research, it seems the decision to go ahead with early radiotherapy should be based not on PSA but on the state of affairs in the lab post-prostatecomy. The problem is, there is no settled view on this.
I see my oncologist in 10 days' time. Let's see what she says.