Hi all
I haven't felt able to post for quite some time due to feeling very fragile. For those who don't know us, hubby diagnosed six and a half years ago, PSA 25, spread to spine, hips and head of femur, lymph involvement, Gleason 10
Treatment history, zoladex, brief flirtation with bicalutimde (disasterous) and then nearly four years on dyethylstillbestrill. Lots of operations due to bladder damage, kidney damage and retention. Now has a supra pubic catheter permanantly. No chemo or any newer drugs, but radiation to specific tumours and prostate last year due to blocking the urethra.
So, it's been a tough ride but with plenty of lovely moments, two weddings and a baby granddaughter made life better than we could have imagined.
Fast forward to now, PSA is on a fast rise again and new lesions in the hip and pubic symphysis found so a new treatment is being considered, initially the oncologist suggested Radium 223 or Chemo but as both have an impact on the immune system and hubby has ongoing and recurrent infections due to the SPC, neither look like good options, though we are waiting to hear (and waiting and waiting, you know how it is). We suspect abiraterone will be the next treatment.
I have always tried to be positive and to be honest, having a Gleason score of 10 we did not think that survival of over six years would be possible. We have an appointment for the 19th with the oncologist so I assume the new treatment will be started then. We have the oedema nurse coming tomorrow since hubby is having a lot of trouble with swelling of the legs, ankles and and feet, presumably due to lymph or possibly kidney disease or heart failure, who knows? We are lucky that we have the support of a hospice nurse to help us with managing pain and other matters.
Anyway, just wanted to document the current situation, I do tend to use this site to document our experiences rather than expect replies. I could go into a lot of detail over the last couple of years and the many lows, but I prefer to leave all that in the past now.
Lovely to see some familiar names here and rather sad to see the numerous new ones.