Hello all
I'm new to the group and in essence feel a little lost.
I've had a rising PSA for a number of years. 5 years ago my PSA went up to 4.5 and then reduced of its own accord closer to 3. I moved house at the end of 2013 and as part of joining a new surgery I was given a onceover and blood tests. The PSA was up again.
At the tail end of 2014 I was suffering from testicular pain and was referred to a urologist. As I have private medical cover I opted for the private route as I could be seen within a week and had a scan/blood test. The PSA was up slightly again so subsequently had a DRE. The consultant said my prostate still felt normal in terms of size, shape etc.. In discussion he said he was a little concerned that my PSA was up with a regular sized prostate. He advised regular testing.
In March my test found that the PSA had gone up again to just over 6 and so I was sent back to the consultant. He suggested we try anti biotics (doxycycline) to see if it made any difference. I took the pills for 6 weeks and it made no difference. In fact the PSA was up marginally by another .3. The situation has been complicated by the fact that the consultant has decided to pull out of private practice. The hospital haven't covered themselves in glory here and my private insurer has asked that I get a new referral.
I called in at my own surgery yesterday having booked an appointment with the "duty doctor"; never have I met anyone that seemed so uncaring, so uninformative or so disinterested in my fears. In fact I left feeling as though I was the guilty party for booking the appointment. I asked if I could see a specific consultant on the NHS and he said it was unlikely, so I'm back on the private route again.
At the moment my symptoms are
- a bit of testicular pain
- a little perineal pain
- a little bit of "weird feeling" near the tip of my penis
- some days I want to pee every 5 minutes; my flow is good each time I go. As yet I've not measure how much I pee. For example I recently had to drive 50 miles - about an hour from me. After half an hour I pulled in at the services and went to the loo - good flow/volume. Half an hour later I was bursting - really good flow and big volume. After the last one I didn't need to go again for hours. On other occasions I seem to be able to drive for 3 or 4 hours with no problems.
- I do get up in the night. If anything that's been better since the antibiotics and that makes me wonder if I have had an infection; generally that's about 2.15 in the morning - almost regular as clockwork. I'm a light sleeper but if I do get to sleep properly I then sleep through til 7 ish.
- most days I drink 3 cups of coffee up to about 11 a.m.
- 3 days a week I don't touch alcohol and have stuck to that quite well.
- occasionally I get the feeling like I'm sitting on a golf ball - I read that in another forum. It also feels a bit like being constipated but that feeling does come and go.
On the whole I feel pretty fit. I walk, play badminton and cycle regularly. I'm 180 tall and 97 kilos. If I didn't have the raised PSA I wouldn't be going to the Doc i.e. I don't feel unwell. If the testicular pain continued I might go to the Doc.
Right now I just feel at a loss. The GP just didn't want to listen and I feel rail-roaded into going private. On the one hand that's why you have insurance, but on the other each claim reduces my available "pot".
My own thinking now is see a consultant and hope he listens and then decide what to do. On that front (from what I have read) I would try and opt for an mpMRI prior to a biopsy; if my understanding is correct a biopsy could still miss something tiny there and you just end up having repeat biopsies. A lot of what I have does seem like it could be prostatitis but what are the options as the antibiotics didn't seem to have any effect?
Having written it down I feel better; any advice would be very welcome.