Hi I am new here so bear with me!
My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer that had spread to the lymph nodes in pelvis and chest area in nov 2015. The Gleason score is 10 and has been told he has a very aggressive type.
Psa 51
He immediately started a three monthly injection of prostop which he is still having and completed a course of 6 chemo session these were completed in April 2016 since then only treatment was the 3 month injection and so far had been feeling well.
His psa after chemo was 0.2 and lymph nodes only pelvis area this has now increased to 2.9 so was put on bucotimal (sorry for the spelling) and further ct scan done.
Unfortunately the ct scan showed cancer in lymph nodes was progressing and what they believe to be further cancer in the lung. They are unsure if this is secondary prostrate cancer or another primary cancer. The scans have currently been sent to the lung team to look at. The consultant is keen for him to start taking enzo asap and she believes if he stays on his current treatment the cancer will be out of control in 3 months.
He is currently feeling okay in himself and we are concerned of the possible side effects as he lives alone he is 74 although I visit most days. I'm am also unsure of his prognosis as to me it isn't looking good I've struggled to find others threads with people who have a Gleason score of 10. His consultant is also talking about further chemo as an option at a later date this time 10 sessions and it's fair to say my dad is not keen. Anyone with any advise or experience many thanks a very worried daughter