My dad just had his biopsy. He is in Fl and I am in VA (USA).
Thought it was interesting that he did not have the standard 12 samples pulled, he had 23 pulled.
My dad is in a lot of pain - said he cannot sit. He was told to only take Tylenol. He also had a Valium earlier this morning in advance.
1. For those that were in pain following the biopsy, how long until you felt relief? Any other suggestions? Icing? Hot showers? Anything he can do?
Also, was told the doctor will have the results in 3 - 4 days. They will call my phone and I will patch my dad in. I know he will shut down and not even know what to ask or what to take in.
2. What should I ask when the biopsy results are revealed? I need a script because although prepared for the worst (PSA 150) I know I will still be in shock.
3. My dad was in the ER on June 24 and July 4. I looked at his blood/urine tests online and both dates show an "abnormal UR Ketones" On the 24 it was 15 mg and on the 4th it was .5 mg. Is this connected to the prostate or something separate?
4. Dr. today (urologist) wanted to check his urine again but said he couldn't since he has an ongoing catheter in. Why would they want to check it again on the day of the biopsy - any ideas?