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Small increase in PSA but still worried

Posted 25 Jul 2017 at 07:25

After the rollercoaster of diagnosis then HT and chemo which has reduced my PSA from 25 to 0.31 my latest blood test prior to commencing palliative RT has increased to 0.45

Should I be feeling worried or as my oncologist says as long as the number begins with 0 he feels ok?


Posted 25 Jul 2017 at 13:30
Hi Mr G

Sorry can't offer you much reassurance but just wanted to say my o/h is also in the same place as you have found yourself. He was diagnosed in May 2016. He has had chemo and ht. All was going well until his PSA went from 0.25 upto 0.89 after his last blood test. Oncologist not worried and now has to wait till October for next blood test. His mood has completely changed since finding out about this rise and doesn't seem to be able to get on with life anymore. Not sure how I can help him feel better about things right now. Maybe it's just a blip or could it be the start of the ht failing. Not in a good place at the moment. Hope you get through this unsure what is happening time.


Debbie x

Posted 25 Jul 2017 at 15:57

Hi Debbie
Sorry to hear of your hubby's worries It is tough when the positive trend appears to reverse but all we can do is accept the next stage of treatment and focus on life's positives such as family etc..

These blood tests are always a worrying time
Good lucj

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