Boyd, I've had six cycles and can confirm the grotty one week, recovery week two and back to normality in week three experience. Seems to be what to expect. Are the side effects cumulative? Yes, in my experience, with increasing tiredness, breathlessness (started in cycle 4), which may be associated with a wet cough, and finally fluid retention, which if it occurs around, rather than in the lungs can account for the tiredness etc. I've found the sixth cycle very hard despite a 20% lower dose and it looks as though I shall be having a brief holiday from docetaxel and maybe not finishing the ten cycle course. The chemo has brought my PSA down from 4.6 to 1.1, but I seem to be on a plateau at that figure now. PSA is only one guide of course and not conclusive and mine were very low figures anyway, but I suspect a series of scans will provide conclusive information on what to do next.
Others on here have fought through those side effects, so I hope you do, too.