We don't have many rules on here but naming medics is a no-no so best to edit your post.
Also, don't assume that robotic will be better than open surgery, or that surgery will be better than radiotherapy or brachytherapy, particularly as you are recently single. My husband opted for open surgery because in his particular circumstance the urologist felt that as a) the best chance of getting it all and b) the best chance of regaining erections. Not a popular view among men that have had robotic RP but the data suggests that robotic is slightly more likely to cause ED, there is a slightly higher chance of a positive margin and slightly higher chance of incontinence and / or hernia. It also means longer on the operating table. The advantage it has over open surgery is a) less time in hospital b) less blood loss c) quicker recovery / return to work.
In our case, John decided that he would have the longer hospital stay / longer time off work in the hope of better outcome - the decision was also influenced by the fact that he had scar tissue from previous abdominal surgery (his appendix when he was younger) which can make robotic more difficult.
Generally, surgeons recommend surgery and oncologists recommend radiotherapy so don't make decisions until you have read the toolkit, seen both a surgeon and an oncologist and got all the facts.
Personally, I can't see why the children would need to know yet. Once you have full info and a treatment plan, you can decide how much info to give them; if you end up opting for RT or brachy they wouldn't necessarily be aware that you had anything wrong with you so detail could be limited.
Edited by member 11 Aug 2017 at 00:52
| Reason: Not specified