Hi David - Thanks for your reply . I found the idea of iced pineapple intriguing
I saw my consultant on Thursday and instead of going onto Chemo or Radium 223 which was also a possibility I have gone onto a Drug
called Diethystilbestrol - its another hormone therapy which was used before the intoduction of drug such as Enzalutamide and Arberitone .
So in the short term no pineapple for me and I get to keep my hair for a bit longer !!
My Consultant is also arranging for me to see specialists at The John Radcliffe
Hospital in Oxford and The Royal Marsden in Sutton ( Surrey ) . My PSA was up to 19 so it will interesting to see if it goes up or down
with the new drug .
Were all in this mess together so its good to get as much infomation as we can from fellow sufferers .
Keep up the good work and let me know how your doing .