Hi to everyone out there . I saw my Consultant yesterday and as I had already said on my first post 3 days ago I was preparing to be told that I would be heading for Chemo ( Docetaxel ) As usual my youngest son came with me as he does with all my appointments but on this occasion I was also accompanied by my wife .
The results of the scans revealed two new areas of Bones Cancer ( a new one in the Spine and a new one in the ribs ) this is addition to the Cancer already in these areas . But the good news was that these Cancers had shrunk in size . On the down side my PSA had increased from 15 to 19 over a 2 week period . I had previously discussed with my Consultant 6 weeks ago that Enzalutamide was becoming less effective in controlling my PSA levels and it was time for a change .
I was given 3 choices
1 Chemo
2 Radium 223
3 Diethystilbestrol
I had done quite a bit of research into having the 10 sessions of Chemo and I had looked at Radium 223 but knew nothing about the 3rd option . This was apparently used a lot before the introduction of the wonder drugs , such as Enzalutamide and Arberitone . I was told I could not go onto Arberitone as the NHS would not pay for it because I had already had Enzalutamide and self funding the drug wasn't an option largely due to the cost involved.
After a discussion with my wife and my son I decided to go for Diethystibestrol . I decided against Chemo . This is something that is an option for later on plus I am currently still working and although I am self employed I was rather concerned at coping with the all the downsides of Chemo whilst running my business .
Radium 223 was also ruled out at this moment in time .
My Consultant is also arranging for me to attend The John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford and also The Royal Marsden in Sutton with a view to the possibilities of going on trials that may be available to me .
There is always a lot to take in when you are at the hospital so when we left we headed for the nearest pub for a well earned pint .
30 years ago I had an Ileostomy . That was a real life changer . At first I believed it had wrecked my life but as with everything else you learn to live with the changes . I have also had 2 Hernia operations in connection to the Ileostomy
About 18 months ago after a scan for Kidney Stones they discovered blood clots on my lungs . As a result of these clots I will be on Warfarin for the rest of my life.
After putting off the op last year I finally had the operation 2 weeks ago today . I had up to 15 Kidney stones removed . I was peeing up to 30 times a day . Very painful !!!
And for almost 4 years I have had Stage 4 Prostate Cancer . For me it was diagnosed as a result of a routine blood test . Its not what I would have wanted but I live with it . I still enjoy life but do get very tired on a daily basis and I have the man boobs and an expanding waist line that jut seem to come as standard with the medication I am on .
I now have appointments at Stoke Mandeville on a weekly basis for one thing or another .
And today I have a tooth ache and I can't get an appointment for nearly 2 weeks !!! God bless the NHS
Life and its colourful path - if you can't beat it just join it .
Thanks to all for reading and I would welcome any comments that any of you may have on Diethystilbestrol