Well, here I am day two post the first cycle. Now taking Prednisolone (5mg) twice a day. The Chemo went well, although I forgot to put pressure on the canula site when they removed it, despite all the advice from others on here, and ended up with a sore hand! Yesterday was pretty good. It's strange how you almost wait for side effects to start....I was given the whole list of potentials and told it is possible for all/any/none and I described this to my wife, Julie, as a bit like organising a party that is due to start at 7.30 pm. You just wait for the guests to arrive not quite sure who is turning up when!
Well, guest number 1 arrived in the form of a change in my taste buds, nothing drastic but a definite change, I can cope with that as long as it gets no worse. But then today..Guest number two....tiredness. Now some of it may be my fault, I did do a gentle workout for 45 mins this morning, then popped out with Julie to pick up some shopping but travelling back in the car I was falling asleep, just as well Julie was driving really! Got home and by the time a cuppa was ready I was spark out! I am really struggling with this as it is so not me! I know I am going to have to pace myself but I have always had difficulty in doing this and have always pushed myself.
Still, on the up side, if I have to sit still more often I can get to watch the Cricket and rugby over the next few weeks without beating myself up for not doing other "stuff"!
Just hoping that not too many other guests turn up from now on in but we will have to wait and see!
Hope you are all keeping as well as can be! I've been searching for one of the lovely tag lines people use on their posts, not found the perfect one yet but for now:
Never fear the shadows, they simply mean there is a light shining somewhere nearby. Winnie the Pooh!