Hi Andy & Malcolm,
When I ended my original Zoladex treatment in August 2016 (last injection twelve weeks prior to that), I was concerned that I still didn't feel anything had changed by the following May (2017).
My GP sent me for a testosterone test and the results confirmed that my level was still at 0.3. The normal level is in the range of 7 to 31 so it was clear that things hadn't changed from when I was on treatment. A couple of months later I found that things seemed to returned to normal and I felt so much better. It had taken nearly a year to get the drug out of my system. I felt so much better in every way. My libido returned and I was able to enjoy sex again.
Unfortunately, in my case, this was only to last for nine months as I had to restart Zoladex again in March last year due to my PSA rising again (doubling every 12 weeks).
So for me, HT will now be for life, as even with the treatment, my PSA is still rising, though at a slower rate (doubling every 8 months).
Edited by member 09 Jun 2019 at 02:36
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