Thank you all for your replies and feedback. It sought of confirms my opinion that the blood and clots are more related to the SPC or ISD rather than the RT. I stopped doing ISD about a week ago and in the last couple of days the clots have decreased dramatically. Another strange thing is happening, I can urinate 80ml of urine through the penis until it stops then open the Catheter tap and drain 200ml into my bag, then a few minutes later pass a few ml through the penis again, also the urine from the penis is on occasions a different colour to the urine from the Catheter. I have asked my Uro nurse if the bladder can have formed a pocket within the bladder.
The pain when passing urine is extremely painful but only lasts about 2 to 5 minutes. The pain is in the end of the penis , in the bladder and at the site of the SPC entry.
I have not had my urine tested but from past experience I don't think I have an infection. The last couple of days the urine has been almost crystal clear and almost odourless but does have lots of bits floating in it. Without a Prostate any more, my clots are presumably from the bladder or the urethra, I do pass a small amount of blood at the start of my stream. Does J still pass urine through his urethra ?
Was yours just blood or did it have clots and debris in the urine.
Hopefully I will get some answers and a plan in the next couple of days. Once again thank you all for your help.
Thanks Chris