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Blood clots in urine after RT

Posted 14 Sep 2017 at 17:00
At the moment I am between a rock and a hard place, or more between urology and radiotherapy.

I am passing alot of blood clots, debris and blood either though my penis or my SPC. Some clots are 75mm long and sometimes I pass 20 small clots in one visit to the loo or opening of the Catheter tap. The urine ranges from crystal clear to the look of flat coca cola.

Urology are saying it is likely to be the effects of RT (I finished 33 RT sessions four months ago), Radiotherapy seem to think it is the Catheter.

There is also the possibility another hem o lok clip could be the problem. Passing urine is also extremely painful.

For those guys or OHs who have had RT how bad has the loss of blood been.

Thanks Chris

Posted 14 Sep 2017 at 17:18

John never had any blood loss during or after RT

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 14 Sep 2017 at 18:47
Hi Chris, I didn't have any blood loss during radiotherapy. Hope you get things sorted soon, Ian.


Posted 14 Sep 2017 at 19:59

Hi Chris no blood from RT but did when catheter was in after op all the best Andy

Posted 14 Sep 2017 at 20:10
Hi Chris

I didn't experience any blood loss f during or after RT. I finished RT 14 months ago.

Really hope that they get you sorted soon.

All the best.


Posted 15 Sep 2017 at 09:24

Hi Chris

The short answer is no. However I never had surgery so mine was more targeted. I'm aware it's possible but that's a small amount. Hope its sorted soon.


Posted 15 Sep 2017 at 12:10

Hi Chris

That was about the only side effect I haven't had (yet?) from RT. I did have it after the RP, but only mildly. Best wishes in getting that sorted.


Posted 16 Sep 2017 at 13:15

I didn't suffer any blood loss either Chris

Hope they get it sorted soon


Posted 17 Sep 2017 at 01:49

Hi Chris,

I suffered several incidents of blood clots and blood loss in my urine but only after about 16 months after RT had finished.  It was quite disturbing when it first happened as it seemed as if I was peeing pure blood for a while.  I even when to the emergency late night doctor service that our local hospital has, taking with me an empty jam jar of the urine/blood. 

Things did return to normal in the days that followed and a cystoscopy found that my bladder was ok.  I did have a further incident about a month later but since then things have been ok.

The conclusion was that, in some way, the bleeding was caused by the late effects of having the RT.


Posted 17 Sep 2017 at 19:27

John has blood clots regularly, when I asked what they were we were told it is prostate material either from the RT last year or it's just "falling off". Grim! John gets more if he has an infection and they do sometimes block the catheter. I hope this clears up for you, I know it's distressing. I can't help thinking of infection if it hurts. Have you had it tested?



Posted 18 Sep 2017 at 05:22

Mine was blood and blood clots but nothing I would regard as being debris.


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Posted 14 Sep 2017 at 17:18

John never had any blood loss during or after RT

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 14 Sep 2017 at 18:47
Hi Chris, I didn't have any blood loss during radiotherapy. Hope you get things sorted soon, Ian.


Posted 14 Sep 2017 at 19:59

Hi Chris no blood from RT but did when catheter was in after op all the best Andy

Posted 14 Sep 2017 at 20:10
Hi Chris

I didn't experience any blood loss f during or after RT. I finished RT 14 months ago.

Really hope that they get you sorted soon.

All the best.


Posted 15 Sep 2017 at 09:24

Hi Chris

The short answer is no. However I never had surgery so mine was more targeted. I'm aware it's possible but that's a small amount. Hope its sorted soon.


Posted 15 Sep 2017 at 12:10

Hi Chris

That was about the only side effect I haven't had (yet?) from RT. I did have it after the RP, but only mildly. Best wishes in getting that sorted.


Posted 16 Sep 2017 at 13:15

I didn't suffer any blood loss either Chris

Hope they get it sorted soon


Posted 17 Sep 2017 at 01:49

Hi Chris,

I suffered several incidents of blood clots and blood loss in my urine but only after about 16 months after RT had finished.  It was quite disturbing when it first happened as it seemed as if I was peeing pure blood for a while.  I even when to the emergency late night doctor service that our local hospital has, taking with me an empty jam jar of the urine/blood. 

Things did return to normal in the days that followed and a cystoscopy found that my bladder was ok.  I did have a further incident about a month later but since then things have been ok.

The conclusion was that, in some way, the bleeding was caused by the late effects of having the RT.


Posted 17 Sep 2017 at 19:27

John has blood clots regularly, when I asked what they were we were told it is prostate material either from the RT last year or it's just "falling off". Grim! John gets more if he has an infection and they do sometimes block the catheter. I hope this clears up for you, I know it's distressing. I can't help thinking of infection if it hurts. Have you had it tested?



Posted 17 Sep 2017 at 21:30
Thank you all for your replies and feedback. It sought of confirms my opinion that the blood and clots are more related to the SPC or ISD rather than the RT. I stopped doing ISD about a week ago and in the last couple of days the clots have decreased dramatically. Another strange thing is happening, I can urinate 80ml of urine through the penis until it stops then open the Catheter tap and drain 200ml into my bag, then a few minutes later pass a few ml through the penis again, also the urine from the penis is on occasions a different colour to the urine from the Catheter. I have asked my Uro nurse if the bladder can have formed a pocket within the bladder.

The pain when passing urine is extremely painful but only lasts about 2 to 5 minutes. The pain is in the end of the penis , in the bladder and at the site of the SPC entry.


I have not had my urine tested but from past experience I don't think I have an infection. The last couple of days the urine has been almost crystal clear and almost odourless but does have lots of bits floating in it. Without a Prostate any more, my clots are presumably from the bladder or the urethra, I do pass a small amount of blood at the start of my stream. Does J still pass urine through his urethra ?


Was yours just blood or did it have clots and debris in the urine.

Hopefully I will get some answers and a plan in the next couple of days. Once again thank you all for your help.

Thanks Chris

Posted 18 Sep 2017 at 05:22

Mine was blood and blood clots but nothing I would regard as being debris.


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