Some men with Prostate Cancer are caught in a limbo land, waiting for drugs to be approved so they can be used BEFORE it spreads to bones and organs. The clinical trials for these drugs have been submitted to the regulatory authorities and the use of these drugs WILL BE approved. It just takes TIME.
These drugs can then be used to treat men whose cancer has not been located but whose cancer is in their system and is growing steadily at a a microscopic level, just waiting to find a suitable organ or bone in which to set up home.
The trials show that these drugs can delay the time for the cancer to spread and eventual death. Currently, no treatments have been approved for "Non Metastatic Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer" patients and until the use of these drugs are approved for this "category" of disease, men won't be able to receive the drugs until their cancer has spread to distant sites.
Catch 22 or what?
"Treating a High-Grade Relapse
Men with relapsing prostate cancer whose PSA doubling time is less than six months face a more daunting situation.
If the disease is not kept in check with effective therapy, the cancer is likely to spread quickly and become life-threatening.
Here, the most prudent therapeutic approach is to adopt an aggressive plan that relies on a combination of treatments given simultaneously, aka a multi-modality approach. "
A year and a half after radiotherapy and still on Triptorelin shots my PSA has risen from 0.14 to 4.87 and the doubling time is 3 months.