My OH is on Prostap injections just now (finished Casodex tablets )until radiotherapy in the New Year March we think
Is he allowed to drink Green tea - I heard antioxidants may prevent the radiotherapy from working is this the same for Prostap or are they talking huge amounts of Green tea? he only has 3 a day but happy to get him to stop it if it doesn't benefit him?
Gleason 3+4 Psa 16
T2c or possibly T3 (they aren't sure about the T3 so classed it indirect T3)
age 62
Cant have surgery due to bowel surgery and adhesions 12 years ago so its the 3 gold markers and HT(3 years which was a shock...) and IMRT (4 weeks) route and hoping IMRT doesn't affect his bowels too much and hoping for the best.
Tolerating Prostap well so far.
Thank you for reading this!