I used the words above at my golf club's Presentation Evening. Over 3 and a half years ago, with an aggressive cancer my prostate was removed. Now PSA is still undetectable and I'm living a full life. 2 pairs' trophies, one singles, one club, plus helping the club reach another final makes this a year I could never have dreamed of. Also won a £200 watch, could have won another but passed it on, and sums equal to my winnings will be donated to PCUK and Alzeimers. (My Lady partner's husband died last year with this awful disease.)
I know many on here aren't so lucky and live their lives on the edge. However, I hope my good fortune will encourage others that there can still be much to look forward to in what are dark times. Having to wear pads 24/7 and using caverject are small prices to pay to still be here.
For new posters, PCa does not have to all doom and gloom. Life is different, but there can still be much more to achieve.
Yes, no doubt, I'm a very, very, lucky lad.