hi all
not been on here for a while, but thought would post about myself to try and help others, their are folk on here who have been around a lot longer then myself
when I was diagnosed back in march 2014, the urologist gave me 3 years, well as you may have figured out I am past that date, my PSA level for the past 13 months has been below 0.01
the two best treatments for me have been, early chemo and the 3mth zoladex injections, I have had radiation treatment for bone pain but this only resulted in more bone pain, which has meant more pills don't like popping pills, folks say 'if you need to take them to live then take them'
but it is always easy to say things when its not you doing it, statements like this can irk you but you learn to handle them
cherish the moments and hug everyone you know