Don’t really know where to post this topic but recently I have felt the need to thank a lot of the members here on this unfortunate site
For the support, reassurance, advice and damn good knowledge - you help so many scared people it’s unbelievable.
I’m not going to name people but folks who browse the site know who I mean (well I will mention Lynn as she’s rather special) but there are so many. It actually breaks my heart many times to read about lovely scared peoples experiences / I never ever imagined such a fate for myself but that is my karma 😟
I do not know how the rest of my life will pan out, but what I DO know is that the brave souls who are facing uncertain, scary times ahead are deserving of the utmost respect, but most of all, the ones not suffering from cancer who day in, day out help - , well, you all just make my heart cry to itself - I have no other words to describe it
Thank you