Hi Chris
Following the op I have total ED but due to medical problems that my wife already has this has not caused us any undue distress. As far as incontinence is concerned I have a little bit of stress incontinence occasionally. These were things we were expecting and so we were ready for it. I have a few aches and occasionally get a bit tired but I know how to handle these side effects and the hot flushes are receding. I feel great and am doing all the things we enjoy. I am enjoying being out and about on the motorbike even in this weather and am still driving the school minibuses all over the place with trips most weeks. Still doing the garden and odd jobs for the neighbours, so for me life is great.
Every day is still an adventure and all this is in no small part as a result of the love and support of a wonderful wife. As the onco says, any side effects of treatment are just the side effects of being alive.
In short Chris I am very happy and very lucky.
All the best,