Hi all
I was diagnosed with advance stage PCa with wide spread through the bones in May 2017. Standard treatment should have been 3 monthly Prostap injection with chemo after 2-3 months but I managed to avoid chemo by going on Abiraterone (funded by BUPA). Unfortunately my liver doesn’t seem to like the Abi and I’ve now been off it for 5 weeks. Saw the onco today and we are going to do bloods again in 3 weeks and then try Abi for a final time on a half dose.
We talked about what happens if I can’t get back on the Abi and Doc said he would basically do nothing apart from the Prostap until my PSA starts to rise and then he thinks enzalutamide would be next and saw no point in doing chemo now.
PSA has been non-registerable for 6 months or so now and came down extremely quickly once starting hormone therapy.
Does anyone have any thoughts about this protocol? Are there any alternatives?