After an abortive TRUS in December- I wouldn’t lie still for it- got transferred, biopsied (TP) and resulted within one week
The NHS is brilliant..
Here are my results, to the best of my numb recollection:
17 of 24 cores were found positive for cancer
Gleason score 3+4.
Had a verbal consult with the,er, consultant who proposed either Robotic Prostatectomy or Radiotherapy.
Was surprised, as with a lower Gleason, I thought a less radical approach might be recommended.However, it occurs that Gleason is qualitative, but the core positivity adds a quantitative factor.
This was a chat, and have no T ratings, though a recent private MRI found no spread outside the capsule.
Am now trying to weigh the pros and cons of either surgery or RT, and of course ,having no experience of this, would welcome any input.Certainly every case is different, but with so much info available, I most value any contribution based on personal experience.
I have to meet the teams in the next two weeks, and am a mixture of numb and overwhelmed.
Thanks in advance....