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ED as a symptom before treatment

Posted 03 Feb 2018 at 18:35
Hello again,

I started to notice a couple of ED issues before Christmas and thought it must be due to the PC. I searched for information relating to ED as a symptom of PC and I could not find anything. Even the toolkit had nothing. The only references I have come across are side effects of surgery or RT (HT?). The only reference I have heard is during my consultation with the oncologist he specifically asked if i’d Had any ED issues. I said “yes” and he nodded as if to say that he thought it would be a possibility. Now I’m on HT I want to understand if the pre-existing symptom/condition means anything before treatment?
Posted 03 Feb 2018 at 22:51

When you look up PCa symptoms , ED sis at the bottom of the list. I think this needs to be reviewed and seriously looked at especially in younger men. Quite a few members on here suffered ED and a sharp decline in ejaculate volume before eventually being diagnosed. I saw a consultant about this and I feel I was misdiagnosed tbh. I was even put on testosterone replacement therapy to “ help “ me , but which fed the cancer. Prior to this not even a whole day on the welly affected my potency at all. I guess at my age ( 44 at the time ) they just put it down to other things and overlooked PCa. I’ve been advised to pursue medical negligence but not sure I could deal with more stress in my life

Posted 03 Feb 2018 at 23:11
I reckon that ED as a symptom- especially in younger men would be unlikely to be associated with PCa, I myself had zero symptoms of pca and it was a fluke blood test by an old experienced GP that showed a raised PSA (aged 45)

But it would be interesting to find out more about people presenting with ED going on to be unfortunately diagnosed with Pca
Posted 03 Feb 2018 at 23:39
Well in any case, I think that some sort of more organised screening for prostrate cancer is necessary

I mean you get the whole “it can cause unnecessary anxiety and distress” if a raised PSA is detected and it’s not Pca - better to worry you might have cancer and then find out you don’t than to not worry and find out when it’s too late

But I can hardly think that it’s less distressing to have undiagnosed/investigated prostrate cancer that grows and grows to killer levels when it could be detected and dealt with early on with ONE simple blood test to start investigations off
Posted 04 Feb 2018 at 00:21

If the ED has only appeared after your PSA test, it is more likely to be anxiety / an emotional response to diagnosis.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard
Posted 04 Feb 2018 at 13:25

Richard, my whole experience with PCa started about 11 years ago, aged 63, with ED. I don't know why it should be bottom of any list. It was top of mine! Whatever your symptoms, once PCa is diagnosed, the treatment follows the diagnosis and the previous symptoms become irrelevant. I should relax about this until/ if you get your performance back. I never did, alas, but then that goes with being a PCa survivor.....


Posted 04 Feb 2018 at 19:29

I have had ED to some extent for some (5-6?) years so well before my recent diagnosis. I was put on Testosterone gel and I was on that for about 3 years. Then my PSA suddenly went up. So, ED caused by PCa? I would say so, and of course, the worst treatment for PCa is testosterone.

My GP "doubted" that PCa was the cause of ED but I would disagree with him.

Anyway, since I am on "Active Surveillance" I won't know if my ED is cured by any treatment for the PCa, but I very much doubt it.

I currently have one GP prescribing Cialis and one who said no! The one who said no said "they cost £7.50 each" I will go and see the other GP soon, that should be interesting!


Gleason 6 = 3+3 PSA 8.8 P. volume 48 cc Left Cores 3/3, Volume = 20% PSA 10.8 Feb '19 PSA 1.2

Jan '20 PSA 0.3 July '20 0.1 Jan. 21 < 0.1 Dec 21 <0.01 June '22 <0.01 April '23  <0.01

Posted 04 Feb 2018 at 19:49

I had ED for two or three years before the PCa diagnosis. At a relatively young age (51 then) this was not caused by stress or any other external factors I could think of. I've often wondered 'in hindsight' if there was a link. My GP was fine prescribing me Cialis at the time, but did not question any particular cause or offer PSA testing. Perhaps an oversight?

Posted 05 Feb 2018 at 07:57

I had ED for about nine months before I was diagnosed with PC. At the time I put it down to age and weight (57 and 15 stone). The Consultant said this was a symptom of PC and I should have gone it checked out.

Posted 05 Feb 2018 at 20:17

3-4 months before my diagnosis I suddenly stopped waking up with an erection. Nothing gradual, just stopped.

In the early stage of diagnosis I asked if this was linked to the PCa and the GP said it was unlikely. ?

However today I had my 4 month check-up and the oncologist said ED can be linked to PCa.

My DX was T2c bilateral but contained, so how does this affect the nerve bundles or blood supply linked to erections. I can understand why ED and PCa not being fully understood.


Posted 05 Feb 2018 at 20:59

I thought that it was totally accepted that indicators of prostate problems include unexplained ED, dry orgasms and retrograde ejaculation. Of course, not absolute signs of PCa but certainly signs that there is something wrong.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard
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