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First visit to the E.D. Clinic

Posted 05 Feb 2018 at 09:49
Hi I am Ian 68 years old and eight months since my robotic op. Well went to the clinic after waiting about five months, I say clinic it’s one male nurse one day a week for the whole county! Anyway the nurse suggested I speak to the medical rep to obtain a new vaccum pump and as luck would have it due to a cancellation I was seen at the hospital within the hour. Just as well as the rep told me later that he had a waiting list of forty men at one hospital alone. The rep showed me the Soma response II pump and asked if I wanted to try it out while watched that I was doing it correctly ,but as there were female nurses coming and going into the room and I found it all too embarrrassing I declined the offer. So he gave me a form to take to my GP which I did right away. Handed the form the docs receptionist who told me they never seen anything like this before but would speak to the doctor. Two days later I went back to collect my prescription only to be told it had been sent to my local pharmacy, so off I went to the pharmacy to be told The prescription had been sent back to the docs as they also had never seen a prescription like this and didn’t know what to do with it. Back to the docs pick up the prescription and return to the pharmacy with instructions on how to order it. Now all of this is embarrassing having to deal with all the young female staff at the docs and chemists who you imagine think you are a dirty old man. A few days later I collected the pump and have to say it’s great, With a little practice I now can get a larger and firmer erection than I had as a natural erection ,so you could say I’m a happy bunny . Now I know most men think having to use a pump is not a very manly thing to do and I am no different but at the end of the day the surgeon ripped out the erection mechanism and you have to get round that if you want your sex life again. Nothing makes you feel better than looking down at a good hard on . Give it a try you have nothing to lose it’s free on the NHS and perhaps lots to gain.

Posted 05 Feb 2018 at 09:49
Hi I am Ian 68 years old and eight months since my robotic op. Well went to the clinic after waiting about five months, I say clinic it’s one male nurse one day a week for the whole county! Anyway the nurse suggested I speak to the medical rep to obtain a new vaccum pump and as luck would have it due to a cancellation I was seen at the hospital within the hour. Just as well as the rep told me later that he had a waiting list of forty men at one hospital alone. The rep showed me the Soma response II pump and asked if I wanted to try it out while watched that I was doing it correctly ,but as there were female nurses coming and going into the room and I found it all too embarrrassing I declined the offer. So he gave me a form to take to my GP which I did right away. Handed the form the docs receptionist who told me they never seen anything like this before but would speak to the doctor. Two days later I went back to collect my prescription only to be told it had been sent to my local pharmacy, so off I went to the pharmacy to be told The prescription had been sent back to the docs as they also had never seen a prescription like this and didn’t know what to do with it. Back to the docs pick up the prescription and return to the pharmacy with instructions on how to order it. Now all of this is embarrassing having to deal with all the young female staff at the docs and chemists who you imagine think you are a dirty old man. A few days later I collected the pump and have to say it’s great, With a little practice I now can get a larger and firmer erection than I had as a natural erection ,so you could say I’m a happy bunny . Now I know most men think having to use a pump is not a very manly thing to do and I am no different but at the end of the day the surgeon ripped out the erection mechanism and you have to get round that if you want your sex life again. Nothing makes you feel better than looking down at a good hard on . Give it a try you have nothing to lose it’s free on the NHS and perhaps lots to gain.

Posted 05 Feb 2018 at 18:18
Thanks Sandra.

Yes ,husband has copied both letters to give to her just in case she doesn't believe him. I think we would have ended up just buying a recommended one had he needed to wait until at least April. Hopefully he'll get good results like Iain. At this stage we want it more for avoiding any further shrinkage but you never know 😉

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Posted 05 Feb 2018 at 13:19

Good for you persevering.

Glad it's working out for you

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 05 Feb 2018 at 16:14
Hi Iain

My husband is going to our local hospital this week to see the specialist nurse and rep about a vacuum pump. He is 10 weeks in from his Surgery. The regional hospital he had the surgery at won't fund it so referred back to the local hospital who are a nightmare to deal with.

Despite 2x consultant referral letters to the ED nurse and a phone call from my husband in December he had to chase it up again. The nurse told him in December it was far too early for an appointment and she would send him an appointment for January.

That was fair enough but no appointment letter was forthcoming so on ringing again last week he was told the earliest appointment was for April. My husband stamped his feet and asked why the delay when they knew his operation was in November and the surgeon had now requested an appointment twice. She said the letter(s) had not been passed on to her so where do they go?

The consultant always sends us copies of all the letters he sends and both letters are clearly marked with her name on.

Anyway upshot is they have fitted him in as an "extra". Hopefully he will not get the runaround in actually obtaining the pump. At least from your experience Iain he will know what to expect.😋

Best Wishes


Posted 05 Feb 2018 at 17:09

I would suggest that when you go for the appointment, you take copies of the copies with you so that she can put them in your husband's file, and you'll know they are there

Good luck.

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 05 Feb 2018 at 18:18
Thanks Sandra.

Yes ,husband has copied both letters to give to her just in case she doesn't believe him. I think we would have ended up just buying a recommended one had he needed to wait until at least April. Hopefully he'll get good results like Iain. At this stage we want it more for avoiding any further shrinkage but you never know 😉

Posted 06 Feb 2018 at 13:32
Thanks for your reply Ann

A vaccum pump of any kind will overcome ‘shirikage’ as was confirmed by the medical rep when I met him at the clinic. It takes a little while but your hubby will get there.

All the best


Posted 06 Feb 2018 at 16:38

Sorry should read vacuum pump and shrinkage ,my fingers are getting stiff too.

Posted 06 Feb 2018 at 21:04
Hi Ian.

Hubbie saw the medical rep today and they have given him the same Soma response one as yourself. He didn't even have to get a GP prescription which surprised him. He will need to get one later on for the " consumables" but that's no problem.

The rep advised him to use it for exercise for four weeks first. We'll see how he gets on 😈



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