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Massive increase in appetite with HT

Posted 06 Feb 2018 at 14:44

Hello again,

I started a four week course of Cyproterone Acetate 3 x 100mg per day on 19th Jan. I had a Prostap injection (4 weeks worth) on 26th Jan. I have noticed that in the last 2 weeks my appetite has changed completely. I hardly ever used to finish a meal whereas now I'm famished nearly all of the time. I had assumed that the well known potential side effect of Hormone Therapy just "happened" and did not come as a result of just eating more? Is this correct? 

Edited by member 06 Feb 2018 at 17:12  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 06 Feb 2018 at 16:52

Rich, knock the testosterone out of your system and a new you emerges. Unfortunately, it is a more lethargic, more contented you with quite an appetite. Unless you guard against it, you'll find the pounds piling on. You'll have to be very self disciplined about getting regular exercise and resisting the temptation to eat just a bit more....

Decide on your target weight and calories out per day in terms of exercise, weigh yourself daily, get a pedometer maybe and hit that target! I went through this ten years ago and have to stick at it because I'm still on Zoladex, with the added complication of steroids which magnify that undesired effect. So I do sympathise and offer my way of dealing with the appetite and weight problem. You may find as I did, that you adjust eventually and don't need the gadgets aftercare while.


Posted 06 Feb 2018 at 20:23

Hi rich ...Since i had my rp last April 2017 then 6months of chemo as it had spread to my bones ..they found out after my op ...With the added bonus of taking loads of steroids every day plus three monthly injections of zoladex my weight has ballooned from 15 stone up to 17...  Being on steroids and a mixture of everything else i was always hungry i did try hard not to just keep eating but as you say you are always eating or thinking about food ...Sometimes the only pleasure left after all the s*** i've been through was food. I did manage to still go the gym but not as often as i would have liked as i always felt tired or hungry lol ...Here's hoping for a better year now that i have finished my chemo and i am getting wend off of the steroids..i will keep you posted if i manage to lose my steroid weight .So the only advice i can give you is to try and keep active and get smaller plates ..and a little bit of what you fancy never hurt anyone .....all the best 


Posted 06 Feb 2018 at 20:32

Thanks again AC and kdo....

I've started training again, my son has got the turbo trainer set up and we've bought an 18" fan. Did 30 mins saturday and 45 mins last night. I was fit as a lop when I was called in for my PSA result. It's odd as it is so, immediate and I know fitness changes according to ones fitness regime, weight/body fat is generally a product of diet. My son is on a carb free diet and cooks regularly for both of us (it's great!). He's 21 and also started using the turbo trainer. His diet is very strict - should I join him?



Edited by member 06 Feb 2018 at 20:35  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 07 Feb 2018 at 18:01

Rich, carbohydrate free dieting comes under the category of "faddy" eating in my book. My advice is to watch the calories and stick to a balanced diet and don't let up on your excellent exercise regime - but you're not 21, you know. Trying to compete with the lad might not be good for your health!!


Posted 08 Feb 2018 at 13:25

I went up to 13 stone in a relatively short time period. I had been 12 and a half stone for as long as i can remember. I'm back at that weight now. I'm feeling much fitter and I have adjusted my diet slightly. I usually just eat what I want. I'm now doing 3/4/5 training sessions a week and hunger pangs seem to have abated. Hopefully I won't need that bra now!!!!!

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