Hello all,first time i have posted on here,but i have been looking at posts for a year now for information on prostrate cancer.my lovely husband passed away yesterday at the age of 57 and i feel the need to write his story,maybe it will help other members.
My husband was diagnosed nov 2016 after 3 years back and forth to doctors with pain in back groin down his legs etc he had a endoscopy and removed a large polyp,we thought that was causing the pain but after he still had same pains,so back to docs again had testicle scans rectum examination nothing found,had back xray nothing,so said he could have a pain injection,while waitng for appontment for 3 months,he went to docs for blood tests and they gave hin psa test it came back at 117 more scans done find it is in bones,started zoladex implants then after xmas docetaxel chemo until june.so happy psa went to undetectable,he had a physical job and worked all through chemo.went onholiday in july apart from some pain in legs he was quite well,by october he was getting more pain and his psa had gone back up to 100 another psa before xmas 2017 it had gone to 250.oncologist said to wait till after xmas and he could go on to a new treatment hormone or chemo in the meantime he gave him casodex,he was taking this for 2 weeks when he became breathless so i phoned the helpline and was told it was one of the side effects and to carry on with them,another he was self employed and had to give up work couldn,t walk due to breathlessness and pain in legs arms back,saw a lung specialist and told it was suspected pneumonitis prob caused by casodex.so was put on 30mg predisone daily so then more side effects sugar levels hit the roof he was already diabetic just on tablets had to go on insulin when he started chemo,his stomach was bruised and swollen and painful to inject insulin,he was so depressed sitting at home all day never had a day off sick in 40 years it was so sad,he was on so many pain killers as well,yesterday morning he woke at 3 his legs had swollen and had low temp.i phoned ambulance,At the hospital he had bloods done etc,and was in so much pain,they said they wanted to do a scan,so me and my son and daughter went to cafe,when we returned half hour later he had gone,doc said he asked for cup of tea sat up then said he felt strange lay back down and passed away,we were so sad we were not there,but glad to know he went quickly and his pain was finally gone,he just couldn,t go on anymore,
We just wish he had a psa test sooner,it never even entered my mind it could be prostrate cancer at the begining until reading all about after being diagnosed,my son is 33 now and i think he should have the test now as his uncle and grandad both have the disease as well,
Sorry if i have rambled on,just need to get it off my chest,